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WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database pdf free

WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. Fellbaum C.

WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database

ISBN: 026206197X,9780262061971 | 447 pages | 12 Mb

Download WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database

WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database Fellbaum C.
Publisher: MIT

Yield 'gr en' in German dictionaries). EJDB — Embedded JSON Database engine. Fellbaum, WordNet : an electronic lexical database. PowerSearch uses Princeton University's WordNet lexical database project to suggest words by 'conceptual-semantic and lexical relations'.” Girts Jansons, founder and CEO of PowerSearch stated, “We are very to bring a cost-effective and efficient discovery product to the market. Goldendict-wordnet, electronic lexical database of English language for dict Feedback | Submit Program | Support Us Copyright © 2008 Linux App Finder. WordNet - An electronic lexical database. WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. GO WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database Author: Fellbaum C. Electronic lexical database of English language for dict. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1998. A.: PROMPT: Algorithm and Tool for Automated Ontology Merging and Alignment. Debian Security Advisory 1634-2 - Rob Holland discovered several programming errors in WordNet, an electronic lexical database of the English language. Language: English Released: 1998. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin Texas USA (2000). Publisher: MIT Page Count: 447.

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